Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Nonsense Reloaded

Every person needs a vent......a nonsense vent.....being sensible round the clock is something of an unsurmoutable task for ordinary mortals.....and i'm by far the most ordinary mortal ever ....always on the look out for the nonsense vent!
Everybody keep their nonsense radar handy...some are more attuned to their nonsensical selves than their real selves and i happen to belong to that elite group...hehee....
We do it in different ways...shutting out the world completely, not to ponder the mysteries in life but to keep in touch with our baser instincts....nothing transcendental about it....thats why despite all our professed contempt for slapstick humour we laugh alound at tawdry jokes on t.v when we know that no one's watching.....
To get away from the real world uglies we watch cartoons by the dozen...happy magical cartoon lands where everybody lives happily ever after....ah! pure undiluted bliss.

1 comment:

Vin said...

cheers!! another member of the elite group! :)